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The Montague Family

After switching around a few sessions due to weather, I am finally back from Maternity Leave! I have loved every second I’ve been spending with my Callie Cat, but it does feel good to get behind the camera again. (Although trust me, I’ve taken more pictures in the last 3 months of my daughter than any other subject!!) It felt right starting out the fall season with a family session. I couldn’t have had a better group than the Montagues. I’ve watched these boys grow up over the last few years and I think they get more fun each time I see them. Between twig guns, the boys wanting to sign the photography contract, and sweet Caleb asking me to go to dinner with them, my heart was full! Michael and Katie make boy-only families seem like a whole lot of fun! Enjoy some of our favorites!



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Austin and Alyssa

Chris and Ashley