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Doug and Morgan

2020 was going to be a year of rest and re-prioritizing.

I took on less sessions and was prepared to say no more so I could say yes to other things, like family, Callie, and other interests.

And then March hit, the start of photo season for many, and the beginning of life looking a lot different than I could have ever imagine.

Rest and re-prioritizing are mandatory now.

It felt so good to pick up my camera and put new life in front of my camera one last time until I’m allowed to do this again. To soak in this moment knowing it might be the last time I do this in a really long time, but also recognize a fleeting moment for Doug and Morgan. A moment to pause from the chaos and celebrate the beautiful new life that is going to be here soon. I’m thankful for the hope of something that is being woven together by the One who is still sovereign over it all.

We  hope you enjoy some of our favorites!

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The Unmack Family

Nate and Katie